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Two exiled media outlets launch fundraisers amid financial uncertainty

(Malanka Media Facebook account)

November 29, Pozirk. Malanka Media has launched a fundraiser at the BySol Solidarity Fund’s platform seeking funding to resume its website operation and cover the salaries of four employees for five months.

The news comes just a day after Novy Čas launched a similar fundraiser.

Malanka Media said a key donor stopped funding it without explaining the reasons. “We were looking for solutions but do not have many options in forced exile,” journalists said, expressing hope that the funding would be renewed.

The project keeps running a channel on YouTube and social media pages, yet the Telegram feed and malanka.media website have not been updated since mid-November.

Pavieł Marynič, head of the Małanka Media and founder of the Zubr (Bison) platform that monitored the 2020 presidential election, was given four years in prison without being present at the trial in Belarus. He was accused of interfering in the February 2022 constitutional referendum.

Many Belarusian independent media outlets faced financial problems this year, including KYKY, Reform, Belsat, Plan B and ex-press.live. The Belarus Service of the Poland-based radiounet.fm stopped broadcasting over a lack of funding.

Fundraiser announced for independent newspaper Novy Čas

November 29, Pozirk. Novy Čas asked its readers for donations in a statement yesterday, citing financial difficulties. The paper's print edition stopped publication in August 2021, and its website was declared extremist content in January 2024. "After the events of …