Minsk 14:38

Belarus votes against UN resolution on Crimea human rights

December 16, BPN. Belarus has voted against a UN resolution on human rights violations in Russia-annexed Crimea.

The document was tabled in light of the situation that has emerged since Russia began a full-fledged invasion of Ukraine, Ukrinform reported.

In addition to provisos of earlier resolutions, the new one condemns Russia’s use of the peninsula for hostilities against Ukraine and support of the “illegal annexation of the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions,” it wrote.

The resolution received 82 votes in favor with 80 abstentions. The countries that voted against include China, Cuba, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mali, Nicaragua, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria and Zimbabwe.

On November 30, Alaksandr Łukašenka told Russian state-owned news agency Rossiya Segodnya that he was planning to visit Crimea, which he described as Russia’s de facto and de jure territory.
