Minsk 11:06

Prominent footballer to go on trial on December 28

December 23, BPN. Former Belarusian national soccer team goalkeeper Vasil Chamutoŭski will go on trial in Minsk on December 28, the Viasna Human Rights Center reported.

Authorities accuse him of participating in protests. Police arrested the famous footballer on September 30 for a repost from an opposition Telegram channel.

Chhamutoŭski has been coaching goalkeepers at Ukraine’s FC Lviv since January 2022. He came to Minsk for surgery and intended to return to Lviv in October.

After the disputed 2020 presidential election, the ex-goalkeeper, who had played for Belarusian, Romanian, German and Austrian clubs and had been capped for the national team, joined athletes’ movement for change. He later expressed support for Ukraine, which fought against Russian military aggression.

On December 15, police arrested prominent athlete and Olympic medalist Nadzieja Astapčuk, who had supported the opposition in 2020.

Belarusian authorities have a track record of persecuting dissident athletes, including the 2019 world champion in aerials Alaksandra Ramanoŭskaja, basketball players Alena Leŭčanka and Jahor Meščarakoŭ. Kickboxer Alaksiej Kudzin, and soccer player and sports journalist Alaksandr Ivulin are among athletes who remain behind bars on politically-motivated charges.
