Minsk 01:02

Łukašenka ignores Ukraine war in New Year’s address

January 1, BPN. In his New Year’s address to the nation, Alaksandr Łukašenka, who usually touches on international issues in these speeches, said nothing about Russia’s war in Ukraine and his own involvement in it.

The only relating line was: “This year, we saw how small our vast world is: ignite a conflict in one country, and the whole planet has a fever.” In the televised address on December 31, he called 2022 “difficult, controversial, sometimes tense.” “But the main thing is that it was peaceful for us,” he said.

“Perhaps even more than before, we felt that the calm and safe life to which we are accustomed faced a threat. We became more concerned about our children, relatives and loved ones, and even about the future of mankind. We became more aware of the value of peace in our native land, and this was our main achievement this year,” Łukašenka said.

Belarus’ other successes, according to Łukašenka, included a record-setting grain harvest, stronger energy security and efforts to overcome sanctions.

He said Belarus “was and will remain a hospitable and friendly country.” He declared 2023 “Year of Peace and Creation”: “This corresponds to both the spirit of the times and the aspirations of our hearts.”
