Minsk 07:37

Car news website editor jailed for violating public order

January 14, BPN. A court in Minsk sentenced the editor in chief of the Avtobiznes website (abw.by), Julija Mudreŭskaja, to 18 months in prison, the Viasna Human Rights Center reported. It is unclear when exactly the sentence was pronounced.

Mudreŭskaja was charged with organization of/active participation in group actions grossly disturbing public order.

Last summer, a pro-police Telegram account posted a video of the woman saying that she participated in unauthorized rallies in August-September 2020 including the blocking of roads, which has led to her arrest.

Law enforcers also arrested Avtobiznes editor Vadzim Ziankievič and advertising manager Juryj Hładčuk.

At least 30 journalists are currently behind bars.
