Minsk 21:05

Belarusian agriculture rises by 3.6 percent in 2022

January 18, BPN. Belarusian agriculture produced 31.8 billion rubels (some $12 billion at the current exchange rate) worth of products in 2022, a 3.6 percent increase from 2021 in comparable prices, the National Statistics Committee has said.

The Minsk (26.4 percent), Brest (22.2 percent) and Hrodna (17.7 percent) regions account for the largest share of the output.

The Russian-led Eurasian Economic Union said Belarus ranked fourth among its member states in January-November 2022 in terms of agricultural production dynamics.

It reported that Belarus’ agricultural output rose by 3.5 percent year-over-year, slower than in Russia (4.7 percent), Kyrgyzstan (6.4 percent) and Kazakhstan (8.5 percent).
