Jailed philosopher punished with three months in internal prison
February 5, BPN. Jailed philosopher Uładzimir Mackievič has spent one month out of his three-month punishment in an internal prison, his colleagues said on Facebook.
In mid-January, Mackievič’s relatives said they had no news from him for over two weeks.
In June 2022, the Minsk Regional Court sentenced the prominent regime critic to five years in prison. A judge found him guilty of participating in protests, creating an extremist group and insulting Alaksandr Łukašenka. The Supreme Court upheld his prison sentence in late September 2022. Mackievič is held at Škłoŭ’s Penal Colony No 17, Mahiloŭ region.
Mackievič is a public and political figure, a TV presenter, founder and head of the Humanitarian Technologies Agency, leader of the non-profit EuroBelarus, and founder of Flying University. He is a core member of the Coordinating Council for Political Crisis Settlement.
Mackievič remains in custody since August 2021. Human rights groups consider him a political prisoner.
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