Minsk 07:37

Update on arrests, trials, politically-motivated persecution

February 21, BPN. New cases of politically-motivated persecution were documented in Belarus on February 20.

Arrests and releases

Homiel police arrested student Alaksiej Małachoŭski for online comments allegedly inciting hatred and rehabilitating Nazism, a pro-government source said.

Alaksandr Malaŭka from the Brest region is under arrest for online comments and faces criminal charges of insulting Alaksandr Łukašenka and abusing state symbols, the Viasna Human Rights Center reported.

Police also arrested Natalla Piatrovič, 67, for comments about Łukašenka. She has been in custody in the Žodzina prison since December 2022.

Authorities released Uładzimir Seviaryn, former international secretary of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), and his girlfriend Kaciaryna Hibkaja after both had served 18 months in prison over 2020 protests.

Criminal proceedings

A court in Mahiloŭ sentenced Andrej Šunkievič to two and a half years in prison over 2020 protests and online comments, Viasna said.

The Minsk City Court started hearing a case against Pavieł Biełavus, the founder and owner of the Symbal.by store selling national-themed goods. Biełavus faces criminal charges of high treason, organizing protests, calling for national security to be undermined and leading an extremist group. The judge closed the trial to the public.

Authorities toughened Alaksiej Ušakoŭ’s sentence as requested by the prosecutor, replacing his original three-year restricted freedom term in home confinement with two years in prison.

A court in the Brest region fined Viktar Makaranka, 65, a car parts shop owner, 11,100 rubels (about $3,980) for refusing to sell goods to Russian soldiers in October 2022. Authorities also revoked his business license.

Other instances of persecution

A court in the Mahiloŭ region ruled to transfer jailed philosopher Uładzimir Mackievič, 66, from Penal Colony No. 17 to Prison No. 4 in Mahiloŭ, BPN reported. In June 2022, authorities sentenced the prominent regime critic to five years in prison. Human rights groups consider him a political prisoner.

A court in Viciebsk ruled to end Michaił Žamčužny’s post-release supervision. In 2014, he was sentenced to six and a half years in prison on three criminal charges widely seen as politically motivated. He has been under police supervision since his release in 2021.

Extremist content updates

Authorities blacklisted EX-PRESS.BY as extremist content for the second time, Viasna said.

As of February 21, human rights defenders identified at least 1,439 political prisoners.
