Minsk 20:48

Biełaja Ruś “to stand at the forefront of building a consolidated civil society”

February 28, BPN. To strengthen an “independent, strong and prosperous Belarus” and build a “socially just society” will be the strategic goal of the Biełaja Ruś party, according to its draft manifesto, published on February 28.

That goal is “unattainable without citizens uniting around national interests and spiritual and moral values of the Belarusian people,” the document reads.

The Biełaja Ruś party describes itself as “an effective mediator between citizens and the state” and “intends to stand at the forefront of building a consolidated civil society.”

The declared tasks include cooperation with the young people who share the party’s ideology, debureaucratization, fight against corruption, and stability of the financial system.

They also include lower dependence on foreign markets, development of domestic high-tech industry, and import substitution.

According to the draft, it is impossible to have social dialogue without “preserving the national identity”: “The cornerstone here is the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War, mass heroism of the people and the victory over Nazism.”

One of the most important tasks, according to Biełaja Ruś, is defending national interests and developing partnerships in the framework of the Union State (with Russia), the Eurasian Economic Union, and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

On February 14, Alaksandr Łukašenka signed the law “On the Foundations of Civil Society” and amendments to laws on party politics. All existing parties must go through the registration procedure again in the next six months.

The amendments were criticized by human rights defenders and a number of opposition activists. They said they would give voice only to pro-government forces.

It is against this backdrop that Biełaja Ruś, the largest pro-government public association, announced plans to set up a party. The founding congress is to be held on March 18.
