Minsk 23:39

Ukraine imposes sanctions on Belarusian IT company

(Masštabnyja Rašeńni website)

December 23, Pozirk. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has imposed sanctions on Masštabnyja Rašeńni, a Belarusian IT company.

The move is part of broader restrictions on 134 companies, mostly from Russia, and 51 people.

The IT company is registered on Mahiloŭskaja Street in Minsk.

The sanctions will freeze its assets, ban it from trading, and stop it from moving money out of Ukraine.

The company will not be able to buy land, participate in privatization, and will also lose its licenses.

The sanctions will remain in place for 5 years.

According to the Masštabnyja Rašeńni website, the company is a resident of the High-Tech Park and has been operating since 2011. Its main founder is Russia’s group Elektronnyye Ofisnyye Sistemy.

The Belarusian firm specializes in “design, development and delivery of software products for the automation of corporate content management, documents, and business processes.”
