Minsk 11:59

Government to repay part of loan interest for five state-run companies


February 8, Pozirk. The Council of Ministers has ordered the finance ministry to pay part of loan interest for five state-run companies, says a document published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

The support will be granted to woodworking and pulp and paper companies, including Barysaŭdreŭ, Ivacevičdreŭ, the Śvietłahorsk Pulp and Paper Mill, the Biełaruskije Špalery wallpaper manufacturer’s managing company and the Škłoŭ-based newsprint mill.

Belarusian woodworking and paper industries lost traditional markets to Western sanctions, Michaił Kaśko, then CEO at the woodworking industry umbrella organization Biełlespapierapram, said in early March 2023.

On January 4, Alaksandar Łukašenka dismissed Kaśko, citing poor performance, and appointed him ambassador to India.
