Minsk 15:55

Catholic activist given restricted freedom term

(Aksana Jučkavič on social media)

April 26, Pozirk. Judge Julija Krepskaja in Minsk has sentenced former catholic.by journalist Aksana Jučkavič to three years of restricted freedom in home confinement on protest-related charges, the Chryścijanskaja Vizija group reports.

The journalist has been released from custody in the courtroom. She has been behind bars since January 23 after her arrest in a major crackdown on former political prisoners, political prisoners’ families and people who received grocery help from exiled Belarusians.

Jučkavič is known as a Christian activist in the Belarusian Roman Catholic community, a Scout leader and a Polish language instructor at a seminary.

Preacher flees Belarus after jail

April 18, Pozirk. Christian preacher Siarhiej Mieljaniec, a father of seven, has fled Belarus, Chryścijanskaja Vizija reported. According to the Christian rights group, he was arrested on March 19 at the Minsk City Court, which was considering a case against …