TVP executive speaks at Belarusian rally to assuage concerns about Belsat reorganization
August 9, Pozirk. Belarusian activists staged a rally in downtown Warsaw yesterday to express concern about the planned reorganization of Belsat, a Belarusian-language satellite television station affiliated with Poland’s TVP.
One of the speakers, TVP World Director Michał Broniatowski, reassured the rally participants that the reform will not be as devastating as feared.

Belsat will share a frequency with the Ukrainian and Russian services, and its airtime will be reduced from 12 to eight hours a day, Broniatowski told Pozirk, noting that TVP plans to merge all language services into one department.
Broniatowski, who is expected to head the World Programs Center (Ośrodek programów dla Zagranicy), spoke with Pozirk after the protest.
He denied claims by speakers that Belarusian airtime might be slashed by more than 60 percent.
Zianon Paźniak, a conservative opposition leader, said he feared that the reorganization will eliminate Belarusian independent television.
He initiated an appeal to the Polish government demanding that TVP keep Belsat as an independent unit.
“It is absolutely unfair to say that Belsat will not be independent,” Broniatowski argued.
“Belsat‘s entire editorial staff will be Belarusian. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not tell them what topics to cover or not to cover, at least, as long as I am in charge.”
Broniatowski told the rally that Belsat‘s current staff will retain their jobs after the reorganization.
Taking part in the rally were Alina Koŭšyk, the United Transitional Cabinet’s culture chief; Belsat‘s former Director Agnieszka Romaszewska-Guzy; and Viačasłaŭ Siŭčyk of the Razam solidarity movement.

Reports of Belsat‘s imminent merger with the World Programs Center have been circulating since July 4.
It will be put under one umbrella with the Russian channel Vot Tak and the Ukrainian service.
TVP World is expected to launch the center on March 1.
“I would like to stress that Belsat is not disappearing, it is gaining new opportunities,” Broniatowski said earlier.
“Each television channel in the group will operate with its logo, budget and autonomy.”
Also read: BAJ, Press Club Belarus call Polish leaders to save Belsat
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