Minsk 05:53

Belarus: jailed US lawyer asks for pardon, reaches out to Harris and Trump

September 20, Pozirk. Juryj Ziankovič, a Belarusian-US lawyer serving a sentence for supposed conspiracy to assassinate Alaksandar Łukašenka, has asked the Minsk strongman for a pardon and a chance to go back to the United States.

Juryj Ziankovič
Screenshot (Belarus 1)

He made the appeal yesterday in the Belarus 1 broadcast titled “Murderous Plot. Target Łukašenka.”

He also asked Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, candidates for November’s election, to help him return to the USA as soon as possible.

In the broadcast, Ziankovič talks about plans for a military coup, a power grab and Łukašenka’s assassination. Belarus 1 showed Zoom calls between alleged conspirators.

Ziankovič was found guilty of conspiracy to overthrow the government, creation of an extremist group, public calls for a coup d’état, and incitement to hatred.

The Minsk Regional Court sentenced him to 11 years behind bars on September 5, 2022.

Ziankovič cut a plea deal with investigators. Human rights defenders declared him a political prisoner.

Reports said that in December 2022, the prisoner was brought to trial in the Minsk region’s Miadziel district for insulting a state servant. The judge added six months to his sentence.

Convicted regime critic goes on trial on new charge

December 27, BPN. Jailed regime critic Juryj Ziankovič, 45, has gone on trial in a district court on a new charge. The Belarusian-born US lawyer is accused of insulting a public servant, the Viasna Human Rights Center reported. Ziankovič’s case …