Minsk 19:49

Opposition politician: Vieramiejčyk was denied asylum in Lithuania

(Screengrab released by Vieramiejčyk's associates)

November 21, Pozirk. Vasil Vieramiejčyk, a former Belarusian volunteer who fought alongside Ukrainian forces, was captured in Vietnam after Lithuania denied him asylum, citing national security reasons linked to his earlier service in the Belarusian army.

The man did not appeal that decision and considered moving to Moldova or Argentina instead, Franak Viačorka, an aide to Belarusian opposition leader Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja, said on Facebook, commenting on his extradition to Belarus.

Cichanoŭskaja’s office offered him assistance, but he refused, according to Viačorka. “We found out about [his arrest in] Vietnam too late, we wrote letters, but there was too little time,” he noted.

The arrest and deportation could have been avoided if Lithuania had not refused protection, the politician said.

“Many people are recognized as a threat to national security for only one line in their biography—such as service in the Belarusian army, although it was long ago. This is not good,” Viačorka said.

After Vieramiejčyk’s extradition to Belarus, Cichanoŭskaja’s office called for a case-specific assessment of each application for asylum.

Former Kalinoŭski fighter Ralko held in detention in Belarus

November 21, Pozirk. Maksim Ralko, a former soldier of the Belarusian Kastuś Kalinoŭski Regiment (KKR) that fights alongside Ukrainian forces, is being held in detention in Belarus. The ONT television channel showed him in a propaganda film "How Demons Want …