Minsk 18:11

Health ministry extravagantly praises Łukašenka over COVID-19 handling

(Pozirk's screenshot of the statement)

February 27, Pozirk. As Belarus marks the fifth anniversary of the first COVID-19 infection detection, the Belarusian health ministry has praised Alaksandar Łukašenka as a wise leader in a way reminiscent of Josef Stalin’s cult of personality.

Belarus managed the pandemic “in its own way, without lockdowns and restrictions,” its press office stressed.

“The world chose to fight the pandemic in the 21st century with full lockdowns, sealing millions of kilometers of borders. Some countries required their citizens not to leave their homes, while anxiety and terror reigned in the world. Only one state leader—our President, our Batka [father], our Aleksandr Grigoryevich Lukashenko—was able to resist this global panic!” the statement reads.

As COVID-19 hit Belarus in early 2020, the Belarusian ruler decided against a lockdown despite a lack of vaccines.  Łukašenka denied the pandemic in every possible way, suggesting treating the virus with vodka, sauna and hard work in the fields.

Civil society initiatives raised funds to fight the pandemic and supply protective gear to medical staff.

The health ministry has withheld data on COVID-19-related deaths since early July 2022.
