Minsk 20:20

Average nominal pay hits $620

December 26, BPN. Nominal gross average pay amounted to 1,648.2 rubels (some $620) in November, up 11.8 rubels from October, the Belstat statistics committee said.

Information and communication personnel had the highest salaries (4,471 rubels on average), followed by finance and insurance staff (2,469.1), skilled workers, researchers and technicians (2,147.5) and the industrial sector (1,832.2). Most sectors saw an increase in salaries. The highest nominal gross average pay was registered in Minsk (2,232.8).

Belarusians experienced “a slight decrease” in their incomes, Prime Minister Raman Hałoŭčanka told Belarus 1 on December 24.

“Although nominal salaries are growing, there is a slight decrease in real salaries due to inflation. With the the budget scope in mind, we are doing everything to tackle it. Although the difference is absolutely minimal, two-three percent, depending on the sector,” the prime minister said.
