Minsk 13:18

Over 1,200 “political” criminal convictions passed in 2022 – Viasna

January 6, BPN. Belarusian courts convicted at least 1.242 people on politically-motivated criminal charges in 2022, the Viasna Human Rights Center says in its annual report.

It says that 942 “political” sentences were issued to men, and 300 to women.

Courts sentenced 636 people to deprivation of liberty. The total term under criminal cases amounted to 2,501 years and three months.

The Criminal Code’s Article 342 (organization of/active participation in group actions grossly disturbing public order), Article 369 (insulting a public official) and Article 368 (insulting Alaksandr Łukašenka) were the oppressors’ most favorite charges, Viasna said.

Most “political” convictions, 542, were handed down in Minsk, followed by the Brest and Homiel regions with 166, the Hrodna region with 135, the Minsk region with 100, the Mahiloŭ region with 68, and the Viciebsk region with 65.

Earlier this year, Viasna said at least 6,380 people were arrested on politically motivated minor charges in 2022. The center knows the details on 4,913 men, 1,419 women and 15 minors prosecuted under the Administrative Offences Code.
