Minsk 20:43

Interior ministry adds 13 to its “extremist” list

Andrej Ivaniušyn, seen by human rights groups as political prisoner

December 22, Pozirk. The interior ministry has added 13 more names to the list of “persons involved in extremist activities,” taking their total to 3,641, its website says.

The additions include Alaksandar Hančaroŭ, Volha Stabroŭskaja and businessman Alaksiej Cypiloŭ currently in prison on charges widely seen as politically motivated as well as Andrej Ivaniušyn.

Ivaniušyn was released on December 6 after he had served two prison terms on charges of threatening violence against a police officer and participating in protests.

People placed on the list of individuals involved in extremist activities are banned from education activity, publishing, state positions and military service for five years after completing their sentences or criminal record expungement.

Their financial transactions are subject to special monitoring. They are also banned from activities involving narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, arms and ammunition and explosives, for five years.

Authorities in Belarus have equated criticism, solidarity, advocacy, free media and free expression to extremism and terrorism.
