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Karatkievič’s historical novel top-selling book at state stores in 2023


March 11, Pozirk. Uładzimir Karatkievič’s Дзікае паляванне караля Стаха (King Stakh’s Wild Hunt) topped sales at the state-run book retailer Biełkniha in 2023, CEO Uładzimir Matusievič has told journalists.

It has been the top-selling book for several years already, he added.

High school students study the book in grade 10, while Karatkievič’s masterpiece, Каласы пад сярпом тваім (Ears of Rye under Thy Sickle), was taken out of the school curriculum last year at the request of propaganda activist Vadzim Hihin, who claimed it misrepresented historical facts.

Incidentally, Дзікае паляванне караля Стаха is followed by Геноцид белорусского народа (Genocide Against the Belarusian People), Matusievič said.

The latter was edited by Prosecutor General Andrej Švied known for his campaign to identify peaceful protesters with Nazis and equate political opposition with extremism and terrorism.

Anžeła Sadoŭskaja, of the state-run publishing house Belarus, admitted a year ago that authorities employed the capabilities and powers of the administrative state to boost sales of Švied’s book.

Minsk banning books, fearful of rebel spirit

Belarusian government has banned works related to the 1863-64 anti-Russian uprising, branding them as extremist content and excluding them from the school curriculum. Officials have been demonizing freedom fighter Kastuś Kalinoŭski, reversing the trend of the so-called "soft Belarusization" period. …