Minsk 14:04

Interior ministry adds 22 to its extremist list

April 19, Pozirk. The interior ministry has added 22 more names to the list of “persons involved in extremist activities,” taking the total of entries to 3,997, its website says.

Eight are serving prison terms, while the remaining 14 have criminal records and may be serving non-custodial sentences, including Valeryj, Valancina and Pavieł Mikša convicted on protest-related charges.

Human rights groups have listed only jailed Dźmitryj Palakoŭ as a political prisoner so far.

In late January, the man was given 18 months in prison for allegedly insulting officials. He was also fined 4,000 rubels (about $1,220) and ordered to pay 5,500 rubels ($1,680) in damages to police officials. Palakoŭ’s appeal hearing was scheduled for April 16 but the result is unknown.

The other seven – Juryj Vaŭčkievič, Illa Tałstoj, Juryj Łapucin, Siarhiej Čekel, Vasil Łapucin, Dzianis Piatuškoŭ and Siarhiej Makarevič – were convicted of insulting Alaksandar Łukašenka, financing extremism and gross violations of public order, charges that authorities often use to persecute opponents.

People placed on the list of individuals involved in extremist activities are prohibited from engaging in education activity, publishing, as well as from holding state positions and from doing military service, for five years after completing their sentences or criminal record annulment. Their financial transactions are subject to special monitoring. They are also banned from activities involving narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, arms and ammunition and explosives, for five years.

Authorities in Belarus have equated criticism, solidarity, advocacy, free media and free expression to extremism and terrorism.

Update on arrests, trials, politically-motivated persecution

April 19, Pozirk. New instances of politically-motivated persecution were documented in Belarus on April 18 as harassment of 2020 protesters continued. Arrested and released Police arrested Dźmitryj Postnikaŭ in Brest for participating in 2020 postelection protests, a pro-government source said. …