Rubel up against US dollar, euro at BCSE

May 3, Pozirk. The rubel has strengthened to 3.2267 against the US dollar at the May 3 trading session of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (BCSE).
It also climbed to 3.4529 per euro but fell to 4.4426 per 10 Chinese yuan and 3.4958 per 100 Russian rubles.
In the outgoing week (April 29–May 3), the rubel rose against all key currencies at BCSE: 0.22 percent against the dollar, 0.29 percent against the euro, 0.007 percent against the yuan and 0.31 percent against the Russian ruble.
The Belarusian currency lost 2.41 percent of its value against the dollar in the first four months of 2024.
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