Minsk 10:16

Belarus offers cheap fertilizers in exchange for technology – official

Crop nutrients

June 6, Pozirk. Belarus is ready to export fuel and fertilizers at discounted prices in exchange for technology, said Michaił Rusy, a member of the upper house of the National Assembly.

“Delegates from foreign countries, tell your people that Belarus is ready to sell cheap fertilizers, Belarus is ready to sell fuel cheaper than what is produced in your countries” Rusy, a former agriculture minister, told a conference on the Sustainable Development Goals today in Minsk.

Belarus’ potash, a major source of revenue, is under Western sanctions imposed over allegations of human rights abuse.

In May-June 2022, after the restrictions had been imposed, the potash giant Biełaruśkalij started selling its products at discounts of 30-50 percent.

“We will bring you potatoes, milk, meat and food of any kind you order,” state media quoted Rusy as saying.

“You give us technology (and we are ready to buy it) to increase efficiency and production volumes many times over.”

Belarus supplies potash fertilizers to Brazil, China and India.

UN Secretary General António Guterres voiced his opposition to the potash sanctions at the UN Security Council in May 2023, citing a food crisis in Africa.

Belarusian opposition politicians have campaigned against lifting of the restrictions.

Investigative Committee opens criminal case against exiled Biełaruśkalij striker

June 6, Pozirk. The Investigative Committee yesterday opened a criminal case against Andrej Pryłucki, a member of the strike committee at Biełaruśkalij, a potash mining company based in Salihorsk, Minsk region. The committee's press office reported that he was charged …