Minsk 22:38

Belarusian hub in Poland raises $2,500 to stay afloat


August 18, Pozirk. New Land has raised 9,800 zlotys (about $2,500) in three days to stay afloat, the Belarusian hub in Bialystok said on Facebook.

According to New Land head Nadzieja Sałaŭjova, this will pay the rent for August and support the “development and activities of the hub.”

The nonprofit organization opened the meet-up place for Belarusian emigrants in December 2022.

The hub organized more than 900 events, including concerts, film screenings and lectures. Most of them were free for visitors.

It runs psychological support groups, children’s clubs, a library and other initiatives.

New Land (Novaja Ziamla) reported on its difficult financial situation on August 15. Talking to mostmedia.io, Sałaŭjova said that it costs 6,500 zlotys to rent premises in Białystok. The fundraising campaign was launched on the same day.

Cichanoŭskaja urges EU culture ministers to help integrate Belarus into European cultural space

May 14, Pozirk. Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja urged EU culture ministers to help integrate Belarus into the European cultural space yesterday at a meeting in Antwerp, Belgium. "You, as ministers of culture, can support our fight by supporting our culture. Support projects …