Minsk 00:36

Minsk faces backlash from Kazakhstan over Łukašenka’s interview

(Kazakhstan's foreign ministry)

August 22, Pozirk. Murat Nurtleu, Kazakhstan’s deputy prime minister and top diplomat, urged Belarusian Ambassador Pavieł Uciupin to convey to Minsk “the need to objectively assess Astana’s position,” the Kazakh foreign ministry reported, quoting him as saying.

The meeting followed the broadcast of the full version of Alaksandar Łukašenka’s interview to Rossiya TV, in which he accused some former Soviet states of “weaseling,” seeking economic and military benefits from Russia without giving anything back in return.

“The time is not far when you will come to Russia and beg for support and help [because] there is no one else to ask,” the Belarusian ruler said.

He also recalled that Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) forces has helped Kazakhstan suppress anti-government protests in 2022.

The United States and European Union do not want to trade with Kazakhstan, he added in another controversial remark.

Kazakhstan pursues a balanced and peaceful foreign policy in accordance with the fundamental norms of international law, Nurtleu responded.

Astana firmly believes that all disagreements between states should be resolved by political and diplomatic means, he added.

“In the current geopolitical conditions, the foreign policy course of the country developed by the head of state [Kassym-Jomart Tokayev] has proved its effectiveness,” the official said.

Łukašenka’s interview also created a stir in Armenia, with angered Armenians holding a protest rally in front of the Belarusian embassy in Yerevan, demanding that the country break off diplomatic ties with Belarus.

Armenian opposition pushes for breaking diplomatic ties with Belarus

August 21, Pozirk. Armenian democratic forces have called on the government to break diplomatic relations with Belarus as long as "dictator" Alaksandar Łukašenka remains in power, their representatives said at a rally in front of the Belarusian embassy in Yerevan …