Minsk 00:39

Defense minister observing Belarusian missile forces’ drill in Russia

Defense Minister Chrenin (right)

August 22, Pozirk. Belarusian Defense Minister Viktar Chrenin has arrived at the Ashuluk training range in Russia’s Astrakhan province to oversee “the next stage of the operational-tactical drill,” the defense ministry’s press office reported. 

Belarusian troops arrived at the S-300 missile range 10 days earlier for live-fire training.

The exercise is expected to improve unit cohesion and teach servicemen tactics and ways of conducting air and anti-aircraft combat.

Earlier this week, a Belarusian anti-aircraft crew launched a Tor short range missile from a moving vehicle as part of the exercise.

The Belarusian army is regularly conducting drills amid Russia’s ongoing war on Ukraine.

Belarusian troops launch Tor missile from moving vehicle during drill

August 20, Pozirk. A Belarusian crew fired an S-300 surface-to-air missile and shot down a target unmanned aerial vehicle during a drill at Russia's Ashuluk training ground, the Belarusian defense ministry reported. In addition, servicemen from the 15th Anti-Aircraft Missile …