Minsk 20:21

Brutal arrest in Kalinkavičy over Russian drone crash video

(Screenshot of video report posted by interior troops)

October 4, Pozirk. Agents of the Committee for State Security (KGB) and riot police have arrested a woman in Kalinkavičy, Homiel region, for allegedly sharing a video of a Russian drone crash with opposition media outlets, the Interior Troops reported.

Law enforcers raided her house after identifying it in the drone crash video filmed by a home security camera, which showed a bright flash with the sound of an explosion causing streetlights to go out.

The woman may face criminal charges even though she shared the video only in local drivers’ chat. It was later reposted by independent media outlets that Belarusian authorities labeled extremist.

On Thursday, another Russian drone incursion was reported in Belarus. Belarusian authorities did not comment on the incident, but it could have been downed over Kalinkavičy.

The defense monitoring group Biełaruski Hajun has been reporting drone incursions into Belarus over the past three months as Russians targeted Ukraine.

In early September, Belarusian air defenses downed several drones over Homiel.

KGB adds Viačorka, others to terrorism list

October 3, Pozirk. Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja's chief adviser Franak Viačorka and five more Belarusian citizens have been added to the Committee for State Security (KGB) list of persons "involved in terrorist activity." The five are Jana Andrajuk, Alaksiej Mazuka, Alaksandar Branavicki, …