Minsk 20:11

Łukašenka says he will not support fruitless science

(Hans Reniers / unsplash.com)

January 31, Pozirk. The government will not support fruitless scientific activity, Alaksandar Łukašenka has said, while presenting certificates to new doctors of philosophy and professors in Minsk.

“I said what we will pay more attention to. What is in demand in the market and society (not only ours), what brings money and resources, is what we will support. No matter how difficult it is, we will give our last money to scientists, but we need a result. Without a result, there can be no support.”

“Today, science means state independence,” Łukašenka said, as quoted by his press office. He said technologies “have taken over the world, and the countries that possess them are not just getting richer – they are already dictating the rules of life and actively promoting a new world order.”

“And the harsh truth of life is that we are forced to fight for our place in the new high-tech world,” he added.

Among others, the Belarusian ruler presented a professor’s certificate in political science to former Defense Minister Leanid Malcaŭ, currently director of the Institute of Civil Service at Public Administration Academy.

Also read: Łukašenka blasts Academy of Sciences as useless
