Minsk 20:55

Licenses of nine lawyers revoked

December 30, BPN. The justice ministry reports that the licenses of nine lawyers have been revoked.

On December 28, the licenses issued to Andrej Kamisaraŭ, Andrej Nieviadoŭski and Jahor Papkoŭski were terminated “due to disciplinary sanctions on the lawyers, such as their expulsion from territorial bar associations for offenses incompatible with the title of lawyer.”

Maryja Davydčyk, Siarhiej Kosmač, Halina Mamońka, Viktar Mackievič, Uładzimir Pylčanka and Uładzimir Jahadzinski were deprived of their licenses because they couldn’t perform their professional duties “due to lack of qualifications.”

Pylčanka defended political prisoners Maryja Kaleśnikava, Eduard Babaryka, Iryna Słaŭnikava, Kaciaryna Andrejeva (Bachvałava), Lavon Chałatran and others.

Mackievič defended political prisoners Siarhiej Cichanoŭski, Ihar Alinievič, Akichira Hajeŭski-Chanada, Jaŭhien Juškievič, Viktar Babaryka and Aleś Bialacki.

On January 11, 2023 the Ministry of Justice would terminate the license issued to Alaksandr Čyrva, as he allegedly broke licensing law.

Since the beginning of 2021, the ministry has revoked the licenses of at least 60 counsellors. About 100 law offices were shut down, and about 400 individual lawyers stopped practicing law.

Pressure on the legal profession mounted after the 2020 election campaign. Lawyers virtually lost independence: since 2021, they can only work in legal consultancies, the heads of which are appointed in coordination with the justice ministry. In 2022, the powers of their superiors were expanded.

Alaksandr Łukašenka says lawyers should be “under control.”
