Minsk 15:24

Defense ministry reports arrival of Russian warplanes

January 8, BPN. The aviation component “of the military and space forces of the Russian Armed Forces has arrived in Belarus,” the Belarusian defense ministry’s press office reported.

Belarus and Russia are preparing to hold joint aviation and tactical drills from January 16 to February 1 at all airfields and training ranges of the Belarusian Air and Air Defense Forces.

Russia and Belarus vowed to set up the regional group of forces last October. Troops completed combat coordination as part of a regional group of forces on January 6, while personnel, weapons, vehicles and equipment of the Russian Armed Forces continued arriving in Belarus.

Last February Russia started a full-scale war against Ukraine. Belarus allowed Russian troops and weapons to move freely through the country, use its airspace, refuel and store military equipment and attack Ukraine from its territory.
