Minsk 15:11

Belarus to have no more than four parties – justice minister

February 24, BPN. The number of political parties in Belarus will drop from fifteen to three or four after re-registration, Siarhiej Chamienka, justice minister, told ONT TV channel.

Only parties that “really enjoy credibility with citizens” and have a program that allows them “to develop along with our state in various fields” will be allowed to function, he said.

Parties should support the constitutional order and cannot promote terrorism or extremism or undermine Belarusian society, the official stressed.

Authorities have routinely used extremism and terrorism charges to persecute and silence government critics.

On February 14, Alaksandr Łukašenka approved amendments to laws governing political parties, raising the minimum membership required to register a political party from 1,000 to 5,000. Parties have six months to complete the new registration procedures.

Human rights groups and the opposition fear that Belarus’ opposition parties will be outlawed as a result of the re-registration campaign.

After the amendments took effect, Biełaja Ruś, the largest pro-government public association, set about to establish a party. Its founding congress is scheduled for March 18.
