Minsk 14:07

Government expecting Russia to assist in updating “social parasite” database 

(Minskaja Praŭda)

January 31, Pozirk. The Council of Ministers has updated procedures for identifying unemployed able-bodied Belarusians subject to a “social parasite” tax in Belarus, according to a document published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

The amendments require authorities to receive and use data from Russia to control the movements of Belarusians capable of working and not employed in the economy. The State Border Committee will inform the labor ministry about unemployed Belarusians who have been absent from Belarus and Russia for more than 30 days every quarter.

The interior ministry will share data with labor ministry on people who reported permanent residence abroad or “are on the migration register in the Russian Federation,” based on information provided by the Russian police.

People who are absent from Belarus for long are included in the register of persons not employed in the economy, also known as the “social parasite” database.

Alaksandar Łukašenka’s Edict No 3 requiring unemployed Belarusians to pay social security tax sparked mass protests across the country in 2017. It targeted Belarusians who worked abroad without paying taxes in Belarus but enjoyed access to free healthcare and other social services. In January 2018, the government entered nearly 500,000 Belarusians in the database.

From 2019, all able-bodied unemployed Belarusians also pay higher utility bills to cover the full cost of services.
