Minsk 21:27

Belarus scraps European law degrees amid tension with EU


April 10, Pozirk. Belarus will no longer award academic degrees in European law, according to a directive by the Higher Attestation Commission.

The decision marks the latest in a series of low points in Belarus’ rapidly deteriorating relations with the West as Russia solidifies its influence in the neighboring country.

The directive has renamed Major 12.00.10 from “International Law; European Law” to “International Law; Regional Integration Law.”

Whereas European law offered courses in European integration, human rights and European international treaties, regional integration law is mostly studied in ex-Soviet countries, focusing on the legal foundations of the re-integration of former Soviet states with Russia.

Some describe regional international law as the Eurasian law formed in opposition to the European law in the context of confrontation between Russia and the West.

After the 2020 presidential election and the crackdown on protests in Belarus, the government has expanded the pro-Russian ideological component at Belarusian schools. Many lecturers have been targeted by reprisals, while those deemed “unreliable” have been purged from the education system.

The directive by the Higher Attestation Commission has been published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

Also read: Belarusian diplomat blasts human rights as root cause of conflicts
