Minsk 15:39

Catholic missionary priest given another jail term


June 24, Pozirk. Andrej Juchnievič, rector of the church of Our Lady of Fátima in Šumilina, Viciebsk region, was given another jail term for an alleged minor offence for the fourth time in a row two days ago, katolik.life reports.

The exact charges against him are unknown. Juchnievič is reportedly allowed to receive only medicines parcels behind bars.

He was arrested on May 8 along with his colleague Pavieł Lemiech on suspicion of subversive activity against the Belarusian state, following the Viciebsk diocese church meeting.

Lemiech was released after serving 10 days in jail, while Juchnievič has already spent more than 45 days behind bars. His current jail term expires on July 2.

Both are known as the Missionaries Oblates of Mary Immaculate, a Catholic congregation founded in the early 19th century.

At least 26 Roman Catholic clerics and believers have been persecuted in Belarus for political reasons since 2020, according to the Chryścijanskaja Vizija group.

Also read: Viciebsk region’s Catholic priests serving 10, 15 days in jail, charges unknown
