Minsk 03:54

Gronka crowdfunding to support Belarusian projects

(Gronka team)

July 17, Pozirk. A new crowdfunding platform, Gronka, has been launched to support Belarusian projects, according to a press release.

The Gronka team aimed to create a space for Belarusians to share their ideas and find sponsors “without intermediaries, complex applications, and unclear criteria.”

It was developed by unnamed enthusiasts and the tech team of Pavieł Libier, who had developed the Hołas platform to verify the results of the 2020 presidential vote and a system for online voting in May’s election for the opposition Coordination Council.

Users can already support a translation of “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas, an augmented reality project dedicated to historic monuments, a collection of Belarusian lullabies, a space podcast in Belarusian, a new book by journalist Alaksandar Čarnucha and other projects.

While Gronka is free for authors and sponsors, the Stripe payment service on which it runs charges 3-5 percent per transfer. The platform does not collect personal data from sponsors except for their emails.

Coordination Council voting app to be available only abroad

May 21, Pozirk. The Belarus ID app for voter identification at the upcoming Coordination Council election will be available only to Belarusians who live abroad, while people inside Belarus will be offered to use the web-based voting platform, the council …