Minsk 22:31

Official says other countries fully offset loss of Ukrainian, Western markets

(Council of Ministers press office's video)

October 22, Pozirk. Belarus redirected goods to other market to offset the lost exports to Ukraine and the West, and sales even significantly surpass the losses over the last three years, First Deputy Prime Minister Mikałaj Snapkoŭ has told lawmakers.

The physical supplies of key goods have been completely restored, he said, as quoted by the government’s press office.

Snapkoŭ presented a report on Belarus’ economic performance at a joint session of the House of Representatives and the Council of the Republic.

He said the country was close to meeting the five-year plan’s key target: $50 billion in exports per year.

He described Africa a “bottomless market.” This year, exports to African countries have quadrupled, reaching $497 million in the first eight months.

Organizing supply chains and a payment system for the African market is a priority, he noted.

This requires non-standard approaches, not the ones familiar to Belarusian industrialists and exporters, Snapkoŭ said.

Also read: Foreign trade in goods and services up 4.7 percent
