Minsk 22:19

Seven presidential bidders to collect ballot-access signatures

Hanna Kanapackaja, Siarhiej Bobrykaŭ and Siarhiej Syrankoŭ (front row) at the CEC meeting on November 4

November 4, Pozirk. In the run-up to Belarus’ presidential election, the central election commission (CEC) has registered three more signature-collection groups and rejected two applications.

Former MP Hanna Kanapackaja, retired General Siarhiej Bobrykaŭ and pro-government communist leader Siarhiej Syrankoŭ are set to collect 100,000 ballot-access signatures to stay in the race, while businesswoman Dzijana Kavalova and Viktar Kuleš, whose background has not been disclosed, have been disqualified because of paperwork irregularities.

Officials said that Kavalova had submitted a list of 75 members instead of 100, while Kuleš failed to attach a list.  

Earlier, the CEC gave the green light to Alaksandar Łukašenka, pro-Łukašenka politicians Aleh Hajdukievič and Alaksandar Chižniak, as well as Volha Čamadanava, the Minsk government’s chief ideology officer.

Juryj Hubarevič, leader of the opposition Movement for Freedom, and Alaksandar Drazdoŭ were banned from collecting signatures.

In all, seven hopefuls will try to collect enough signatures to register as presidential candidates in the January 21-26 election.

Officials plan to form 153 territorial election commissions by November 6.

The collection of signatures starts on November 7.

The Belarusian opposition has dismissed the election as a sham, noting that political reprisals prevent pro-democracy candidates from running and voters from freely expressing their will.

Łukašenka's supporters dominate in election commissions

November 2, Pozirk. At least 60 percent of people nominated to the territorial election commissions in the upcoming January presidential vote are known as Alaksandar Łukašenka's supporters, according to Pozirk's analysis of the official data. Of the 1,725 nominees to …