Minsk 14:07

Kałaur resigns as top banker

(Jahor Jermalicki/sb.by)

March 11, Pozirk. Pavieł Kałaur, a career banker who had been in charge of the National Bank of Belarus for more than 10 years, submitted his resignation before Raman Hałoŭčanka took over the job from him yesterday.

Alaksandar Łukašenka approved the resignation by Edict No 98 published on the National Legal Internet Portal.

Belarusian law allows resignation for health reasons only.

Kałaur joined the central bank in 1993, serving as deputy chairman of its board until 1999 before returning as its head in late 2014.

Yesterday, Łukašenka appointed former Prime Minister Hałoŭčanka as head of the central bank, noting that the official had always wanted to be more involved in the banking system.

Both Hałoŭčanka and new Prime Minister Alaksandr Turčyn should “find common ground and finally resolve some issues . . . in the economy regarding finances,” the Belarusian ruler said.

Experts have already pointed out that Hałoŭčanka lacks appropriate training and may cause turmoil in Belarus’ economy, while his ties to the military and Russia may negatively affect Belarus’ finances, banking and currency.

Hałoŭčanka's appointment to central bank may harm Belarus’ economy – expert  

March 10, Pozirk. The appointment of Raman Hałoŭčanka as the new head of the National Bank of Belarus is a "very alarming signal for those who work in the financial sector,” economic expert Jarasłaŭ Ramančuk has told Pozirk. The former …