Minsk 16:30

Rubel keeps falling against euro, dollar, yuan at BCSE

December 21, BPN. The Belarusian currency kept depreciating against the euro, the US dollar, and the Chinese yuan at the December 21 trading session of the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (BCSE).

It fell to 2.8654 rubels per euro, 2.6925 per dollar, and 3.8583 per 10 yuan. At the same time, it climbed against the Russian currency to 3.8281 per 100 rubles. 

Last week (December 12-16), the rubel plunged by 4.81 percent against the euro, 3.33 percent against the dollar, and 3.08 percent against the yuan. It climbed 0.17 percent against the Russian currency.

The Belarusian currency depreciated by 4.44 percent against the greenback from January to November.
