Minsk 06:36

Orthodox priest arrested over prayers for Ukraine

January 5, BPN. Police have arrested Orthodox priest Dzianisij Karaśceleŭ from Minsk, the Chryścijanskaja Vizija advocacy group reported.

The arrest reportedly followed a complaint by a pro-government activist, Volha Bondarava, who said that the priest had prayed for Ukrainians fighting Russia.

Telegram channels affiliated with police said that Karaśceleŭ had “nationalist tattoos” and accused him of distributing opposition content and of “playing computer games using a strange nickname.”

Back in September 2021, police had also searched Karaśceleŭ’s home.

At least six Orthodox priests faced politically-motivated charges in 2022, including Uładzisłaŭ Bahamolnikaŭ who spent 110 days in custody for alleged minor offenses and is a suspect in a criminal case.
