Minsk 20:56

Relatives cannot reach jailed philosopher

January 15, BPN. The Facebook page of jailed philosopher Uładzimir Mackievič says his relatives have had no news from him for more than two weeks.

“Correspondence is blocked. The lawyer is not allowed to see Uładzimir. Phone calls to relatives, permitted by the colony’s regulations, have stopped. The administration of [Škłoŭ’s] Penal Colony No 17 ‘does not provide information,’” it said.

“Today we know nothing about his whereabouts or state of health. As a result of the information blockade, relatives cannot send him the medicines he needs,” it added.

On June 23, 2022 the Minsk Regional Court sentenced the prominent opponent of the regime to five years in prison. A judge found him guilty of organization of/active participation in group actions grossly disturbing public order; creating an extremist group; and insulting Alaksandr Łukašenka.

On June 27, Mackievič shared with his family and associates an appeal to citizens, stating that the current situation would be judged by philosophers rather than “the regime’s officials and their TV puppets.” “I have already made my judgement, just read my old writings. In fact, I was sentenced for these writings,” Mackievič said.
