Minsk 10:12

Pro-government association to launch Biełaja Ruś party

February 7, BPN. The new party Biełaja Ruś will be “a force that can generate responses to challenges,” Aleh Ramanaŭ, chair of the pro-government association Biełaja Ruś, has told the organizing committee in charge of setting up the new party.

Biełaja Ruś will not transform into a party, it launches a new party, SB. Belarus Segodnya reported, citing Ramanaŭ. The new party of the same name will represent “an independent political force” and is “being built from scratch,” he stressed.

“We understand that today we need entities to respond to the tough challenges that our country is facing,” Ramanaŭ said. “There is a war going on in the world. We need organized forces and have to take very serious efforts to turn Belarus into an island of stability, prosperity and success.”

He said that the new party comes from “a more mature civil society” and said that all necessary formalities would be completed by late spring.
