Minsk 09:53

Jailed reporter’s family sounds alarm over his health

February 16, BPN. Family members have expressed concern about reporter Siarhiej Sacuk’s health after meeting with him in prison, the Belarusian Association of Journalists (BAJ) reported.

Sacuk’s relatives saw him at the detention center of Mahiloŭ’s prison where he is held pending his transfer to a penal colony. They reportedly noted his sickly appearance, dark circles under his eyes, swollen face, and stuffed nose, as he does not have medicines to treat his sinusitis.

The regular intake of medication helped him, but he is denied it now, the reporter’s family said.

“They can’t perform the necessary examinations there,” Sacuk’s brother Alaksandr told the BAJ. “We are all worried because arrhythmia is extremely dangerous.”

In late October 2022, authorities sentenced Sacuk to eight years in prison on charges of inciting hatred, abusing his office and taking bribes. Human rights groups declared him a political prisoner. He also has to pay 28,384 rubels in damages (over $11,460).

The Supreme Court rejected Sacuk’s appeal on February 10.

In late January, the BAJ already reported on Sacuk’s deteriorating health and a lack of proper medical treatment in prison.

At least 33 journalists remain behind bars, the BAJ said.
