Minsk 16:14

Opposition leader says Belarus, Ukraine key to democracy in Eastern Europe

(World Economic Forum)

January 16, Pozirk. The fate of democracy in Eastern Europe is being decided in Belarus and Ukraine, Belarusian opposition leader Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja has told participants in a Belarus-themed event at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

“We are defending not just our freedom and sovereignty against the imperial ambitions of Russia,” she said, noting that the Kremlin does not see Belarus or Ukraine as independent countries.

“We are fighting for the very values of democracy. Human rights. Rule of law. Freedom of speech. And this fight will decide the future for all of Europe.”

Russia is fighting with missiles and tanks in Ukraine, using terror, political, and economic tools in Belarus, the politician stressed.

She accused the Belarusian ruler of selling Belarusian sovereignty to Russia to stay in power.

“Belarus is a perfect example of what might happen if you neglect democratic institutions,” Cichanoŭskaja noted. “Promising to restore so-called ‘stability’, the dictator destroyed the parliament, independent courts, and the media. My country was turned into a police state where elections turned into a ritual without meaning and real choice.”

Belarusians continue underground resistance despite thousands thrown behind bars on politically-motivated charges, she said.

“We can’t organize open protests but we can prepare for a new window of opportunity. I am sure that the dictatorship will collapse, and we have to be ready,” the opposition leader stressed.

The panel discussion featured Cichanoŭskaja’s economic aide Aleś Alachnovič, lawyer Hanna Macijeŭskaja and Pavieł Bierštaŭ of the Warsaw-based National Anti-Crisis Management.
