Minsk 00:05

Opposition leader to visit Belgium, Denmark, Poland next week

(Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja's press office)

May 12, Pozirk. Belarusian opposition leader Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja will visit Belgium on May 13 to address the European Union’s culture ministers’ meeting in Antwerp, her aide Franak Viačorka has told Pozirk.

On Tuesday, Cichanoŭskaja will travel to Copenhagen, where she will meet Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and Kaare Dybvad, minister for immigration and integration, to discuss the legalization of exiled Belarusians.

The opposition leader will also speak about Belarusians’ fight for freedom at the annual Copenhagen Democracy Summit. Its participants include high-level EU officials and politicians, among them European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and former United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

On May 15 and 16, Cichanoŭskaja will participate in the Impact 2024 Conference in Poland’s Poznań along with Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski and former Finnish Prime Minister Sanna Marin.

Belarus’ opposition launches talks with NATO

May 7, Pozirk. Belarusian opposition leader Śviatłana Cichanoŭskaja and her associate Valeryj Kavaleŭski have met NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels, her press office reports. Belarus should be perceived as a reliable, peaceful and predictable partner, Cichanoŭskaja said after …