Minsk 13:11

Belarus designates Coordination Council candidates as extremists

May 16, Pozirk. The Committee for State Security (KGB) has designated more than 120 candidates in next week’s election for the opposition Coordination Council as members of extremist groups.

Belarus’ spy agency has made an all-out effort to disrupt the election for the opposition’s proto-parliament scheduled for May 25-27.

The Belarusian leader on April 25 described his exiled opponents as “traitors and bandits who are planning to capture Belarusian territories,” threatening to dispossess them of their property in Belarus.

“Remember that you are doing very serious harm to your relatives. Remember that you have some property here. I advise you to forget about this property. But do not put your relatives at risk, you know what this can lead to,” Alaksandar Łukašenka warned.

To make the poll as transparent as possible, the opposition made a principled decision to disclose the candidates’ names despite threats from Minsk.

Authorities seize village house from candidate for opposition Coordination Council

May 15, Pozirk. Alena Januškoŭskaja, a political emigrant from Viciebsk, has said on Facebook that authorities have seized her village house and put it up for an auction scheduled for May 30. The move comes weeks after the Belarusian ruler …