Minsk 22:55

Hrodna-based brigade deploys tactical group to state border for training

(Troops of the 6th Detached Mechanized Brigade)
(Grodnenskaya Pravda)

June 11, Pozirk. The 6th Detached Mechanized Brigade stationed in Hrodna has deployed a battalion tactical group to a border area for a drill, defense ministry’s press office said.

The group will practice defending the border and major thoroughfares and fortifying defense positions, the ministry noted.

Two weeks earlier, the same brigade deployed a battalion tactical group to an unspecified location for training in digging trenches and establishing firing positions.

Today’s deployment coincides with the second phase of a Belarusian-Russian joint tactical nuclear exercise announced today. It involves troops practicing the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons.

Belarus holds regular drills amid tension with the West over Russia’s war against Ukraine, in which Minsk supports the Kremlin.

Minsk, Moscow to train in using nuclear munitions during second phase of drill

June 11, Pozirk. The second phase of a Belarusian-Russian joint tactical nuclear drill involves troops practicing "the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons," the Russian defense ministry reported. The second phase began on June 11. “We are being proactive to …