Minsk 10:44

Minsk city executive committee files lawsuit for dissolution of New Life church

September 28, Pozirk. The Minsk City Executive Committee on September 15 filed a lawsuit to dissolve the New Life Church, its pastor Viačasłaŭ Hančarenka said today.

In a video posted on the Chryścijanskaja Vizija (Christian Vision) Telegram channel, Hančarenka expressed his hope that the day will come when he will be able to tell the parishioners good news. He urged them not to be discouraged and to pray for “the morning to come” when people will rejoice that “God has worked a miracle in the fate of the church.”

The executive committee is reportedly demanding that the church be dissolved citing its “extremist” activities and alleged violation of the religion law.

The Protestant church was founded in 1992, and authorities have been harassing it since the early 2000s.

Following the 2020 presidential election, Hančarenka condemned police brutality against protesters. In February 2021, the church was forcibly evicted from its building, a former barn renovated by the community. People prayed in the streets and online.

In September 2022, Hančarenka was arrested and fined 3,200 rubels ($1,268 at the current exchange rate).

In June 2023, there were reports of the demolition of the church building. Authorities plan to build a school at the site. Hančarenka called the demolition a “fatal mistake” and warned those responsible of God’s vengeance.

Last month, Hančarenka and his son-in-law Ila Budaj were detained for 10 and five days, respectively, under the Administrative Offenses Code. Reports said that 20 armed men from the interior ministry’s organized crime unit raided his home.

The pastor was convicted of defying police orders, and his daughter’s husband of disorderly conduct.

A Minsk court then declared Instagram posts and a YouTube video by the New Life Church extremist.

The Maładziečna District Court also labeled a video from 2020 titled “Pastor Viačasłaŭ Hančarenka Condemns Violence and Calls on Authorities to Repent!” extremist.
