Minsk 20:42

Officials visit home of opposition activist to reassure family that he can return to Belarus

February 9, BPN. Two female officials visited the family of opposition activist Barys Anikiejeŭ in Homiel.

The officials, wearing badges of a special regional commission for the return of refugees, asked for how long he had been abroad, Anikiejeŭ, who is currently living outside Belarus, told BPN. Both women were polite and said that he could return to Belarus safely now that he had been pardoned. He needs to come back to set an example, they reportedly added.

The women would not go into any details of the clemency program.

Anikiejeŭ has never been tried or convicted of any crimes.

The news comes days after Alaksandr Łukašenka’s signed an edict setting up special commissions for the return of political emigrants. The opposition urged Belarusians to stay alert and not to let themselves be lured back to Belarus where they may face persecution.
