Minsk 11:33

Russian-led bloc plans three military exercises in Belarus in 2023 – CSTO head

February 13, BPN. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) plans to hold three military exercises in Belarus in 2023, said CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov during his visit to Minsk.

The bloc’s drills, codenamed “Interaction” (Rus. “Vzaimodeystviye”), “Echelon” (Rus. “Eshelon”) and “Search” (Rus. “Poisk”) will focus on boosting its counter-terrorism and IT activities as well as fighting transnational crime, drug trafficking, and illegal migration, the official noted. The CSTO’s “solid multifunctional potential” allows it “to respond to a wide range of contemporary challenges and threats,” he added.

Tasmagambetov has met with Alaksandr Łukašenka and Foreign Minister Siarhiej Alejnik. His visit also features meetings with Defense Minister Viktar Chrenin and Alaksandr Valfovič, state secretary of the Security Council.

The Russian-led security alliance CSTO includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, and Tajikistan.
